Become Certified Accounting Practitioner

Become a Certified Accounting Practitioner

The Society approved the policy and procedures to be mandated for all RPA members who are in professional practice. RPA Canada would like to inform you of upcoming changes to the RPA by-laws, which are intended to bring a new standard of professionalism, adherence to the RPA Code of Ethics, and due care to the protection of the public and integrity of the profession.

As an RPA practitioner, I see a growing need to build our credibility within the accounting and business community. To accomplish this, the Society has implemented the “Professional Practice Pathway.” The framework for certification is outlined as follows:

  1. Training Courses
  2. Evaluation (Case Study Submission)
  3. Accreditation
  4. Practice Review

Effective on the date of the 2021 Annual General Meeting held on October 16, 2021, RPA members in good standing who wish to engage in the professional practice of issuing compilation engagement reports (Notice to Readers) and/or who wish to start a professional accounting practice to offer bookkeeping, accounting, and tax services must obtain an active Professional Practice Certificate (PPC).

Effective January 2021, the Society has developed and implemented a comprehensive practical study program based on eight mandatory training courses that will outline specific aspects of professional practice. These training courses will be offered virtually and online as follows:

  • PPC1 – Compilation Report Basics
  • PPC2 – Compilation Engagements
  • PPC3 – Pro-forma Financial Statements & Projections (Forward Looking)
  • PPC4 – Bookkeeping/File Management & Cybersecurity and Confidentiality
    Present Case Study A
  • PPC5 – Ethics & Professional Code of Conduct
  • PPC6 – Basics of Review Engagements
  • PPC7 – Basics of Audit Engagements
  • PPC8 – Professional Communication & Correspondence
    Present Case Study B

Upon completion of the first four courses, members will be required to complete and submit Case Study A for evaluation before being able to continue to the remaining four courses.

Completion of the final four courses will culminate in a final Case Study B, to be submitted for evaluation, which will cover material from all eight courses.

Members must also complete the Canadian Ethics for Accountants course and the in-depth CSRS 4200 Compilation Engagement course.

You can enroll in the program through the following link:

Upon completing this study program, members qualify to apply for the Professional Practice Certificate. The Practice Certificate will be valid for 5 years while the Practitioner is an RPA member in good standing.

You can enroll  in the program here in  following link

Upon completing this study program members qualify to apply for the the Professional Practice Certificate. The practice Certificate will be valid for 5 years while the Practitioner is an RPA member in good standing.