Data Analytics and Technology

Data Analytics and Technology


Exam Description

Data Analytics and Technology Exam tests the competencies in the area of Data Analytics in Accounting and Business, data preparation and data sanitization, data modelling and evaluation, using visualizations and summaries to share insights, business intelligence in accounting and auditing, relational databases and data mining, cyber security and big data analysis with python.

Professional Exam Competencies

  1. Data Analytics process and how data analytics affect businesses and accounting profession.
  2. Extract, Transform and load scattered data collected from various dynamic sources.
  3. Understand various approaches of data analytics. Demonstrate data modelling and data analysis skills.
  4. Using visualizations and summaries to share business insights with stakeholders.
  5. Why use data analytics in accounting and auditing? The role and importance of dashboards and KPIs.
  6. Demonstrate data mining skills using Structured Query Language.
  7. Cyber Security and safety of organizational data.
  8. Big financial data analysis with Python.

Recommended reading

  1. Data Analytics for Accounting by Vernon J. Richardson, Ryan A. Teeter, Katie L. Terrell


  1. Power Query (in MS Excel)
  2. Power Pivot and DAX (in MS Excel)
  3. Microsoft Power BI – Free tool
  4. Microsoft Access
  5. Python





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